Ansible for Dummies - Part 3

If I were to pick the next most important feature of Ansible after playbooks, I think I’d say it’s the variables (both custom and built-in, known as Ansible Facts). Variables are very important as they can speed up your playbooks writing process and allow your plays to be far more advanced.
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Ansible for Dummies - Part 1

Before saying anything else, I must admit I wasn’t paying attention to Ansible for a very long time - far longer than I’m willing to admit. To be perfectly honest, I don’t think I would be able to write a single playbook myself last year.
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Disabled SRM causing VMDK issues?!

I hate ghosts - they are annoying, noisy and will cost you a fortune if you don’t have an active Ghost Busters membership card. You know what kind of ghosts is the most irritating though?
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