vcap design terminology pocket guide

During my journey towards getting a VCIX, I had to learn all the ’theory’ necessary in my work for PSO and to pass the VCAP Design exam. It was quite a difficult topic to study and gather information about so I figured it might be a good idea to share what I know…
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Software-Defined for Dummies

Have you ever stopped for a second while reading through VMware documentation to ask yourself - what exactly is the SDDC it keeps repeating every other sentence? Well, here’s your anwer.
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Brief History of Virtualization

Virtualization is all around us these days. In the world full of clouds, hypervisors, remote desktops and many, many more “virtual” stuff, it’s very important to keep in mind how it all started. Even though it might seem like virtualization picked up only mere few years ago, it was actually around for over 50 years now! Granted, that ancient technology was nearly completely different from what we have now, but isn’t that the case with every branch of IT? Get yourself a nice cup of coffee and find a comfortable chair to sit on – this post will be one of the bigger ones.
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